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Feng shui

Literally translated "Feng" means wind and "Shui" water. In Chinese culture, they are correlated with health and prosperity. Chinese philosophy and art Feng Shui, older than 3000 years, is inspiring us to research a body, persons, and objects in space. This experiment of movement/dance and sound/music is based on Feng Shui principles.

Feng Shui is a unique music and dance performance that combines live original music with dance and object manipulation. It is inspired by the Feng Shui philosophy and the research of contemporary sound and movement. A metaphysical ambiance and a view out of the box of learned and accessible, are the topics that the authors deal with in this performance.

The performance features contemporary music techniques such as beatbox, looping live recording techniques, and techniques of playing music with a thermos bottle developed by Filip Borelli. The dance segment of this performance is signed by Tanja Puklek, who combines contemporary dance techniques and flow art in object manipulation. In this performance, she uses LED poi and poi-flags. The specialty of her performance is in the manipulation of poi with feet.

Authors and performers: Filip Borelli and Tanja Puklek

Music/sound: Filip Borelli and Tanja Puklek 

Costume design: Tanja Puklek

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PuTanja, Craft for Teaching, Performing Arts and Manufacture, owner Tanja Puklek Borelli, Zagreb, Cucerska cesta 273

IBAN: HR7524840081135140529

mob: +385 97 78 63 091


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