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poi and body Rhythm

exercises for body and brain

This course can be conceived as a workshop as well, and it is intended for school children. Within this program the participants will express their creativity, and empower their brain through various physical exercises. 

Through preparatory exercises with body percussion and Brain Gym elements the participants will prepare their body and brain for learning poi skill. The basics of poi manipulation will be given through various exercises and games. Also, the participants will create their own artwork on the theme of the circle and symmetry. They will learn experientially what is circle and how it can be drawn with a string and pencil. Applying the "double doodle" method (drawing using both hands at the same time) they will learn about symmetry and symmetrical shapes.

Course length: 1h 30 min per week

Workshop length: 1 h 30 min per day (2 or more days in a row)

Age:  one group for children of age 7-11, and another group for children of age 12-15

Course location: Brainy Centar Kaptol 12, Zagreb - open entries

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number of participants and technical demands

The optimal number of participants is 10. The workshop is closed type, which means that in time interval of the workshop the group has to be fixed. The reason for this is that the exercises have their order and purpose and the idea is that all participants go through all the exercises.

The space where workshop takes place has to be at least 30 square meters in surface, for participants to be able to move freely through the space, and because of usage of a prop that takes a lot of space. Ideal space for the workshop would be a classroom, playground, gym or dance studio.

1 table per 4 participants and a chair for each participant is needed for the workshop

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